
Le pôle Québec de l’ICRIS est à l’origine de nombreuses publications scientifiques que vous retrouverez sur cette page répertoriées par année de parution.

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Buprenorphine/naloxone and methadone effectiveness for reducing craving in individuals with prescription opioid use disorder: Exploratory results from an open-label, pragmatic randomized controlled trial
McAnulty, C., Bastien, G., Socias, E., Bruneau, J., Le Foll, B., Lim, R., Brissette, S., Ledjiar, O., Marsan, S., Talbot, A., Jutras-Aswad, D.

Article scientifique

Patient Satisfaction With Standard Methadone and Flexible Buprenorphine/Naloxone Models of Care: Results From a Pragmatic Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial
Hassan, A., Bozinoff, N., Jutras-Aswad, D., Socias, E., Stewart, S., Lim, R., Le Foll, B.

Article scientifique

Impact of fentanyl use on initiation and discontinuation of methadone and buprenorphine/naloxone among people with prescription-type opioid use disorder: secondary analysis of a Canadian treatment trial
Socias, E., Wood, E., Le Foll, B., Lim, R., Cheol Choi, J., Yin Mok, W., Bruneau, J., Rehm, J., Wild, C., Bozinoff, N., Hassan, A., Jutras-Aswad, D.

Rapport de recherche

Flexible Buprenorphine/Naloxone Model of Care for Reducing Opioid Use in Individuals With Prescription-Type Opioid Use Disorder: An Open-Label, Pragmatic, Noninferiority Randomized Controlled Trial
Jutras-Aswad, D., Le Foll, B., Ahamad, K., Lim, R., Bruneau, J., Fischer, B., Rehm, J., Wild, C., Wood, E., Brissette, S., Gagnon, L., Fikowski, J., Ledjiar, O., Masse, B., Socias, E.

Article scientifique

Selective personality-targeted prevention of suicidal ideation in young adolescents: post hoc analysis of data collected in a cluster randomised controlled trial.
Grummitt, L.R., Debenham, J., Kelly, E.V., Barrett, E.L., Champion, K.E., Conrod, P.J., Teesson, M., & Newton, N.C.

Articl scientifique

Multidimensional analysis of adult patients’ care trajectories before a first diagnosis of schizophrenia
Vanasse, A., Courteau, J., Courteau, M., Roy, M., Stip, E., Fleury, M., Lesage, A., & Brodeur, S.

Article scientifique

The impact of opioid agonist treatment on hospitalisations for injecting-related diseases among an opioid dependent population: A retrospective data linkage study.
Colledge-Frisby, S., Jones, N., Larney, S., Peacock, A., Lewer, D., Brothers, T. D., Hickman, M., Farrell, M., & Degenhardt, L.

Article scientifique

Overdose deaths and HIV infections among people who use drugs: shared determinants and integrated responses
Touesnard, N., Brothers, T. D., Bonn, M., & Edelman, E. J

Article scientifique

Telehealth for people who inject drugs: An acceptable method of treatment but challenging to access 
Delisle-Reda S., Bruneau,J. & Martel-Laferrière V.

Article scientifique

Moral Foundations Theory Among Autistic and Neurotypical Children
Dempsey E., Moore C., Johnson S., Stewart S., & Smith I.

Article scientifique

Harm reduction in tobacco control: where do we draw the line?
Al-Hamdani M. & Manly E.

Revue de la littérature

Switching of opioid agonist treatment modality during imprisonment: A novel marker for increased support need during and following release from prison
Curtis M., Berk J., Larney S., Rich J., & Stoové M.

article d’opinion


Déploiement d’un algorithme de soins en réponse à la crise des opioïdes
Annie Talbot, Rania Khemiri, Aïssata Sako, Luc Londei-Leduc, Christine Robin, Suzanne Marcotte, Guenièvre Therrien, Geneviève Goulet, Geneviève Beaudet Hillman, Christine Ouellette, Suzanne Brissette, Marcel Martin, Polina Titova, Pierre Lauzon

article scientifique

Framing public health response to the opioid and overdose crisis: are there alternatives to cascade of care model?
Stine Bordier Høj, Julie Bruneau, Matthew Hickman

article scientifique

Exploring cannabidiol effects on inflammatory markers in individuals with cocaine use disorder: a randomized controlled trial

Florence Morissette, Violaine Mongeau-Pérusse, Elie Rizkallah, Paméla Thébault, Stéphanie Lepage, Suzanne Brissette, Julie Bruneau, Simon Dubreucq, Emmanuel Stip , Jean-François Cailhier, Didier Jutras-Aswad

article scientifique

Diversity of incarceration patterns among people who inject drugs and the association with incident hepatitis C virus infection.
Andreea Adelina Artenie, Matthew Hickman, Peter Vickerman, Jack Stone, Jason Grebely, Julie Bruneau

article scientifique

Psychedelic use is associated with reduced daily opioid use among people who use illicit drugs in a Canadian setting
Elena Argento, M Eugenia Socias, Kanna Hayashi, JinCheol Choi, Lindsay Mackay, Devon Christie, M-J Milloy, Kora DeBeck

article scientifique


Corrigendum: Cognitive Function Impairments Linked to Alcohol and Cannabis Use During Adolescence: A Study of Gender Differences.
Noorbakhsh, S., Afzali, M., Boers, E., & Conrod, P.

article scientifique

The Development and Psychometric Testing of a Substance Use Wellness Tool
Chen, S., Stuart, H.L., Krupa, T., Dobson, K.S., & Stewart, S.H.

article scientifique

Applicability of the four-factor personality vulnerability model for substance misuse in understanding gambling behaviour and gambling problems.
Otis, E., Yakovenko, I., Sherry, S., Smith, M., Goldstein, A.L., Ellery, M., Loverock, A., Wild, T.C., Weilgart-Whitehead, B., & Stewart, S.

article scientifique

Commentary on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on opioid use disorder treatment among Indigenous communities in the United States and Canada.
Wendt, D. C., Marsan, S., Parker, D., Lizzy, K. E., Roper, J., Mushquash, C., Venner, K. L., Lam, A., Swansburg, J., Worth, N., Sorlagas, N., Quach, T., Manoukian, K., Bernett, P., & Radin, S. M.


Are There Therapeutic Benefits of Cannabinoid Products in Adult Mental Illness?
Tibbo, P., McKee, K.A., Meyer, J., Crocker, C., Aitchison, K., Lam, R., & Crockford, D.

Article Scientifique

Does how you use matter? The link between mode of use and cannabis-related risk.
Swan, C., Ferro, M., & Thompson, K.

Article Scientifique

Changes in positive and negative peer influences and depressive symptoms from adolescence to young adulthood.
Homel, J., Thompson, K., & Leadbeater, B.

Article Scientifique

Substance use disorders among youth with chronic physical illness.
Luther, A.W., Reaume, S.V., Qadeer, R.A., Thompson, K., & Ferro, M.A

Article Scientifique

Understanding Steps and Challenges to Take-home Naloxone and Buprenorphine/naloxone Implementation in Québec Emergency Rooms: Suboxed Project.
Talbot, A., Khemiri, R., Sako, A., Londei-Leduc, L., Robin, C., Marcotte, S., Therrien, G., Goulet, G., Beaudet-Hilman, G., Ouellette, C., Brissette, S., Martin, M., Titova, P. & Lauzon, P.

Protocole de recherche

Impact of early use of long-acting injectable antipsychotics on psychotic relapses and hospitalizations in first-episode psychosis.
Abdel-Baki, A., Medrano, S., Maranda, C., Ladouceur, M., Tahir, R., Stip, E., & Potvin, S.

Article Scientifique

Facing Confinement, the Comfort of WhatsApp Groups in Mental Health Communities.
Stip, E., Mugaddam, F. A., & Amiri, L.

Article Scientifique

Self-isolation: A significant contributor to cannabis use during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Bartel, S.J., Sherry, S., & Stewart, S.


Examining Subgroups of Depression and Alcohol Misuse in Emerging Adults During University: a Replication and Extension Study.
Orui, K., Frohlich, J.R., Stewart, S.H., Sherry, S.B., & Keough, M.T.

Article scientifique

The Network Constellation of Personality and Substance Use: Evolution from Early to Late Adolescence.
Afzali, M., Stewart, S., Séguin, J., & Conrod, P.

Article scientifique

Developing and testing the effectiveness of a novel online integrated treatment for problem gambling and tobacco smoking: a protocol for an open-label randomized controlled trial.
Bilevicius, E., Single, A., Baumgartner, C., Bui, V., Kempe, T., Schaub, M. P., Stewart, S. H., MacKillop, J., Hodgins, D. C., Wardell, J. D., O’Connor, R., Read, J., Hadjistavropoulos, H., Sundstrom, C., & Keough, M. T

Protocole de recherche

Knowledge Translation in a Community-Based Study of the Relations Among Violence Exposure, Post-traumatic Stress and Alcohol Misuse in Mi’kmaq Youth.
Zahradnik, M., Stewart, S., Stevens, D., & Wekerle, C.

Article scientifique

An Alcohol Abuse Early Intervention Approach with Mi’kmaq Adolescents.
Mushquash, C.J., Comeau, M., & Stewart, S.

Article scientifique


Impact of substance use and mental health comorbidity on health care access in Canada.
G Dao, C Brunelle, D Speed

article scientifique

Client characteristics and substance use patterns in different models of methadone maintenance therapy (MMT).
K MacNeill, C Brunelle, E DiTommaso, B Skelding

article scientifique

Effectiveness of Prescription Monitoring Programs in Reducing Opioid Prescribing, Dispensing, and Use Outcomes: A Systematic Review.
MN Wilson, JA Hayden, E Rhodes, A Robinson, M Asbridge

Revue de la littérature

Associations between housing stability and injecting frequency fluctuations: findings from a cohort of people who inject drugs in Montréal, Canada.
Fortier E, Sylvestre MP, Artenie A, Minoyan N, Jutras-Aswad D, Roy É, Grebelyg J, Bruneau J.

Article scientifique

Global patterns of opioid use and dependence: harms to populations, interventions, and future action.
Degenhardt L, Grebely J, Stone J, Hickman M, Vickerman P, Marshall B, Bruneau J, Altice F, Henderson G, Rahimi-Movaghar A, Larney S.

Article scientifique

Specificity of personality relationships to particular forms of concurrent substance use among methadone maintenance therapy clients.
Mahu IT, Conrod J, Barrett SP, Sako A, Swansburg J, Lawrence M, Laroque F, Morin JF, Chinneck A, Nogueira-Arjona R, Stewart SH.

Article scientifique


Management of opioid use disorders: a national clinical practice guideline.
Bruneau J, Ahamad K, Goyer ME, Poulin G, Selby P, Fischer B, Wild C, Wood E; on behalf of the CIHR CRISM

Lignes directrices nationales

A prospective observational study of problematic oral cannabinoid use.
Ware MA, Martel MO, Jovey R, Lynch ME, Singer J.

Recherche observationnelle

Association between binge drug use and suicide attempt among people who inject drugs.
Fournier C, Ghabrash MF, Artenie A, Roy E, Zang G, Bruneau J, Jutras-Aswad D.

Article Scientifique

Associations between self-reported lifetime history of traumatic brain injuries and current disability assessment in a population sample of Canadian adults.
Ilie G, Adlaf EM, Mann RE, Ialomiteanu A, Hamilton H, Rehm J, Asbridge M, Cusimano MD.

Article Scientifique

Changes in coping and social motives for drinking and alcohol consumption across the menstrual cycle.
Joyce KM, Hudson A, O’Connor R, Thompson K, Hodgin M, Perrot T, Stewart SH.

Article Scientifique

Characteristics and response to treatment among Indigenous people receiving injectable diacetylmorphine or hydromorphone in a randomised controlled trial for the treatment of long-term opioid dependence.
Oviedo-Joekes E, Palis H, Guh D, Marchand K, Brissette S, Lock K, MacDonald S, Harrison S, Anis AH, Krausz M, Marsh DC, Schechter MT.

Article Scientifique

Distinct pathological profiles of inmates showcasing cluster B personality traits, mental disorders and substance use regarding violent behaviors.
Dellazizzo L, Dugré JR, Berwald M, Stafford MC, Côté G, Potvin S, Dumais A.

Article Scientifique


Lower-Risk Cannabis Use Guidelines: A Comprehensive Update of Evidence and Recommendations.
Fischer B, Russell C, Sabioni P, van den Brink W, Le Foll B, Hall W, Rehm J, Room R.

Lignes directrices nationales

« I love having benzos after my coke shot »: The use of psychotropic medication among cocaine users in downtown Montreal.
Motta-Ochoa R, Bertrand K, Arruda N, Jutras-Aswad D, Roy É.

Article scientifique

A cluster-randomized controlled trial evaluating the effects of delaying onset of adolescent substance abuse on cognitive development and addiction following a selective, personality-targeted intervention programme: the Co-Venture trial. 
O’Leary-Barrett M, Mâsse B, Pihl RO, Stewart SH, Séguin JR, Conrod PJ.

Essai clinique randomisé

A Qualitative Study of Addiction Help-Seeking in People with Different Co-occurring Mental Disorders and Substance Use Problems.
Motta-Ochoa R, Bertrand K, Flores-Aranda J, Patenaude C, Brunelle N, Landry M, Brochu S.

Article scientifique

A Review of CBT Treatments for Substance Use Disorders.
Morin JF G, Harris M, Conrod PJ.


Adherence to response-guided pegylated interferon and ribavirin for people who inject drugs with hepatitis C virus genotype 2/3 infection: the ACTIVATE study.
Cunningham EB, Hajarizadeh B, Dalgard O, Amin J, Hellard M, Foster GR, Bruggmann P, Conway B, Backmund M, Robaeys G, Swan T, Marks PS, Quiene S, Applegate TL, Weltman M, Shaw D, Dunlop A, Bruneau J, Midgard H, Bourgeois S, Thurnheer MC, Dore GJ, Grebely J; ACTIVATE Study Group.

Essai clinique

Alcohol use among Inuit pregnant women: Validity of alcohol ascertainment measures over time.
Fortin M, Muckle G, Jacobson SW, Jacobson JL, Bélanger RE.

Article scientifique